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Results for "pain"
Laser Acupuncture: More Than Just Pain Relief

Laser Acupuncture: More Than Just Pain Relief

We asked integrative vet Dr Sarah Priggen to tell us about her pioneering work using Laser Acupuncture. Here she explains how it works and highlights the first of a series of case studies demonstrating its success with Max the spaniel who faced an uncertain future. A testimonial from his owner is also included.

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Animal Pain

Animal Pain

Signs of an animal being in pain are varied and not always as obvious as a dog whining and holding a paw up or a hot sweaty horse kicking at their flanks. We asked Julie Anne Lee of Adored Beast Apothecary to explain what to be aware of in detecting pain and what to do about it. This blog first appeared on the Adored Beast Apothecary website and we reproduce it here with thanks.

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The Role of Hydrotherapy in Relation to Pain Management

The Role of Hydrotherapy in Relation to Pain Management

Whilst the first choice for pain management is often medication, there are many non-pharmaceutical ways to manage pain. It is important to use a multimodal approach to get the best overall pain management for each individual animal patient, with the least amount of drug induced side effects. One of the most versatile, effective and all-encompassing non-pharmaceutical methods of managing pain is the use of hydrotherapy.

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Supporting a Dog with Kidney Disease

Supporting a Dog with Kidney Disease

Jack is my 15-year-old Jack Russell. He is incontinent and has kidney disease, but it’s not the end of the world. Supporting Jack has been significantly helped by integrated vet care which treats him as an individual with his own specific needs. As well as a mix of conventional and complementary treatments such as herbs, homeopathy and nutraceuticals, this individualised medicine approach has included tailoring his diet. Jack’s excessive drinking and incontinence have become much reduced. We have also incorporated several tricks into making life as easy as possible for him and for us.

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