Harsh winter conditions can cause problems for our animals.
To help keep them safe and healthy when the temperature drops and the snow arrives, we asked our supporters to give us tips for looking after your animals in winter.
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Preventing Winter Colic- The Holistic Approach
Winter can bring additional factors that may lead to colic. We asked Caroline Hearn, an equine specialist and founder of Hedgerow Horse, to highlight what can be done to avoid this potentially serious problem.
Walking Your Dog Safely Throughout the Winter Months
Exercising our dogs in the Winter can sometimes be a challenge. Caroline Hearn from Hedgerow Hounds gives a few top tips to make life easier and safer for your dog.
Choosing and Living with a New Puppy
The arrival of Gwen the Jack Russell puppy has forced integrative vet Ilse Pedler of Ilse Pedler Holistic Veterinary Care to think about puppy issues once again! She highlights the things to consider here…….
Why some animals get firework phobia
How A Natural Response To Fear Can Worsen To Become A Severe Problem By Julie Moss BSc. Hons, AdvCertVPhys, Dip.APhys. This blog examines how an unnatural fear response to fireworks occurs. Ways you can help your pet overcome these problems are to be found here. What...
Time to Ditch the Ball Flinger
We may need to rethink the way in which we exercise our dogs. It might be tempting to throw a ball as far as possible for your dog using a ball flinger but there are potential dangers! Being full of the joys of spring can turn into a sudden disaster for the dog chasing the ball, or an insidious build-up of stresses and strains over time. Yasmin Porritt of Yorkshire Pooches Therapies explains more and suggests alternative exercises and enrichment you can do with your dog to keep them fit and healthy.
Keeping Animals Safe in Hot Weather
With temperatures soaring once again across much of the UK, we thought it a good idea to pass on some of our supporters’ top tips for keeping your animals cool in hot weather. Animals may get uncomfortable and stressed and this might quickly lead to heatstroke. It’s important to avoid this at all costs. This blog looks at the signs to look for, what to do if it happens and how to avoid heatstroke.
Seasonal Feeding: Making the Most of Fresh Ingredients
Nature’s larder provides us with a huge variety of produce at the perfect time when it will be of most benefit to us nutritionally. With a few small changes, we can all benefit from eating seasonally which is better for us, our dogs and the environment. Canine expert Caroline Hearn of Hedgerow Hounds explains the benefits of feeding fresh seasonal produce as part of your dog’s diet with some suggestions for spring, summer, autumn and wintertime.
Addressing Canine Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety can be challenging for dogs, causing distress when they are apart from their cherished human or animal companion. Even separation from a constant canine friend can trigger anxiety in some dogs. The best support we can offer is to develop independence whilst we are with them at home, allowing them to be calm and content when left alone. We asked canine behaviourist Caroline Spencer to explain how to identify, avoid or overcome canine separation anxiety and provide some top tips for pet parents.