Bowen Technique / Therapy

Bowen Therapy for Animals


Canine Bowen Technique Association

What is Canine Bowen Technique (CBT)….

Canine Bowen Technique (CBT) is a soft-tissue remedial technique involving ‘light-touch’ moves of fingers or thumbs over muscle, ligament, tendon and/or fascia at specific points of the dog’s body. The work is very subtle and involves no hard or prolonged pressure. It offers dogs a gentle, non-invasive and effective hands-on technique that aims to promote healing, pain-relief and body/energy rebalancing.

Canine Bowen Technique is a holistic technique. By “holistic” we mean that it “treats the body as a whole, without referral to named disease”. Canine Bowen Technique Association (CBTA) practitioners do not treat the veterinary-diagnosed disease or condition per se, but treat the dog, as they see it, on the day.

Canine Bowen Technique is not a substitute/replacement for normal veterinary care, but rather is complementary to it.

Why would I offer Canine Bowen Technique (CBT) Sessions to my dog?

Canine Bowen Technique aims to promote and support the body’s own powers of self-healing and has been offered for many years to support dogs with problems in the following areas:

• Acute injury e.g. sprains and strains.
• Chronic conditions and degenerative disease – helping to improve the dog’s quality of life.
• Rescue/re-homed dogs – relaxation of tension caused by earlier stress and trauma.
• Pre– and post-operative surgery – assisting recovery times.
• Fear-based anxiety – such as fireworks and thunderstorms.

Our aim is to facilitate the channelling of the dog’s own resources so that it can determine how to heal itself. In this respect, therefore, Canine Bowen Technique can be almost all-embracing in its coverage. Although generally regarded as ‘remedial’, Canine Bowen Technique can also be used to good effect as a maintenance and a prevention technique, helping to keep the body in optimum balance. To this end, it may be very beneficial for active, hard-working dogs or dogs used for competitions in obedience, agility, or trialling.

Common conditions which are often presented at Canine Bowen Technique sessions

• Allergies and Skin conditions
• Arthritis and Muscular Sprains & Strains
• Back problems
• Lameness and other Gait problems
• Hip & Elbow Dysplasia
• Working or Competition dogs
• Dogs that pull on the lead
• Aggression and other Behavioural problems
• Stress & Anxiety disorders
• Cystitis & Urinary disorders
• Recurrent Ear problems
• Sciatica

Canine Bowen Technique does not ‘treat’ conditions. Through holistically working with the body and helping the dog’s own healing resources it aims to support dogs with such conditions through the rebalancing/optimising effects both locally and elsewhere in its body, which may help to improve its quality of life.

Carole has a very specific belief and philosophy when working with dogs. Carole and all Canine Bowen Technique Association (CBTA) practitioners, philosophy is:

• To listen and work in partnership with the dog.
• Creating a relationship of trust to maximise the effect of the session.
• Never forcing a Canine Bowen Technique session on a dog against his wishes.
• Using a holistic approach to session.
• Working collaboratively with the vets in the best interests of the dog.
• Recognising that dogs are a separate species and have their own needs and requirements.
• They DO NOT:
• Do not diagnose
• Do not treat conditions
• Do not prescribe or alter medications
• Do not force CBT on a dog
• Work to a strict code of conduct and professional ethics
• Fulfil standards of training and annual CPD requirements
• Maintain their own liability Insurance
• Only work in collaboration with vets*

*CBTA practitioners will only offer CBT in collaboration with the dog’s vet and only after receiving confirmation that the owner is working directly with their veterinary practice in matters concerning their dog’s current health.

Canine Bowen Technique is not a substitute/replacement for normal veterinary care, but rather is complementary to it.

Equine Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a soft tissue therapy, it ‘disturbs’ the fascia or connective tissue, there is no pulling or cracking of joints and no insertion of needles. The therapist uses fingers or thumbs in a rolling action over specific muscles, tendons and ligaments, incorporating resting periods to allow the body to absorb the information and respond accordingly.

The treatment is essentially holistic, treating the whole body and is generally a pleasant and relaxing experience. A treatment will take approximately 45 minutes. Two or three treatments, usually at weekly intervals, may be required to achieve lasting relief.

Holistic Therapy for Horse and Rider

Equine Bowen Therapy allows the horse to perform his best for his rider. Likewise, by addressing any muscular stiffness in the rider with the Bowen Technique, the horse will appreciate a balanced weight on his back!

Any correction of a horse’s problem may not hold unless the rider is also in complete structural balance.

As with many holistic therapies, the body is treated as a whole, without referral to named disease. Bowen Therapists will treat the complete body, horse or human, and not a specific disease.

Conditions which respond well to EBT

The technique is useful for a wide range of conditions from acute pain to chronic conditions:

• Unlevelness, disunited gait or irregular action
• Uneven wear of shoes
• Muscle atrophy or uneven development
• Stiffness on one rein
• ‘Cold back’ or sore back
• Sluggish lymphatic system or weakened immune system.
• Uncharacteristic change of temperament or deterioration of performance
Horses can also injure their backs by getting cast, pulling back when tied up, slipping on tarmac or icy roads, and from poorly fitting saddles or rugs. Many older horses that have been retired due to stiffness have returned to gentle hacking following EBT.

Please note: The Bowen Technique and Equine Bowen Therapy are not intended as a substitute for medical or veterinary advice or treatment. If in doubt, please consult your Doctor or Veterinary Surgeon.

All horses will benefit greatly from a Bowen Therapy treatment; like tuning musical instruments tune – your horse will have more elevation in his stride by freeing the shoulder and more power from his hindquarters.

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