Chiropractic – McTimoney

Chiropractic – McTimoney


McTimoney Animal Association (MAA)

The McTimoney Animal Association (MAA) is the professional association for those practising McTimoney animal chiropractic techniques. Their 130+ members are all fully qualified with a Graduate Diploma or MSc in Animal Manipulation, are insured and engaged in ongoing CPD. Most of their members only treat animals but a few are dual qualified for human chiropractic as well. All treatment of animals is regulated under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966. Under this act, it is illegal for any person to treat an animal unless they are a registered veterinary surgeon or a paraprofessional covered by the Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order 2015. McTimoney animal practitioners are considered ‘paraprofessionals’ and will work under veterinary consent or referral only. They may also liase with a range of other para-professionals such as saddlers, dentists, farriers and physiotherapists if required as part of the vet–led team.  MAA members will offer you the highest standard of service they can provide.

An overview of McTimoney chiropractic is provided below but for more information about the treatment process, how it works, research, case studies and a member search, please visit the MAA website .

McTimoney is a chiropractic technique used to treat pain and dysfunction of the neuromusculoskeletal system. It predominantly focuses on joint dysfunction in the spine and pelvis restoring where possible optimal function of the skeletal system, nervous system and surrounding soft tissue. The technique is holistic, non-invasive and gentle and is readily accepted by animals.

McTimoney was named for its creator John McTimoney, a chiropractor who developed the technique on humans in the 1950’s and later adapted it for use on animals. Today, the McTimoney MSc in Animal Manipulation is the only validated course of this level in Europe in teaching techniques for adjusting animals, and is open to suitably qualified people who wish to work with animals.

 What is a McTimoney Treatment?

The McTimoney approach begins by taking a detailed case history, whole body static and dynamic assessment of the patient which enables a complete analysis of what may be occurring in that animal. The assessment process is essential to distinguish areas of weakness, asymmetry and patterns of movement. Palpation analysis of the musculoskeletal system is also key and is used to determine areas of joint dysfunction.

McTimoney therapists treat using the hands in a specific hand position, performing high velocity and low amplitude adjustments at specific anatomical landmarks along the spine and pelvis, inducing a therapeutic response in joint structures, muscle function and nerve reflexes. Once applied muscle tension dissipates, discomfort can be resolved, nerve impingement is released and optimal function restored.  The body has an innate ability to continue to heal, and the treatment helps to facilitate this ability so the body continues to respond after the treatment has taken place.

Finally therapists put an aftercare plan in place with the owner, in order to ensure that the animal is supported during the immediate weeks post treatment. Depending on how the animal presents at the initial treatment, affects when subsequent treatments are advised. If the animal has been experiencing discomfort for an extended period it can take longer for the body to adjust and a course of treatment may be required.

Many owners will use chiropractic as regular part of their training programme. This helps to maintain optimum performance and in down-times maintains comfort and helps prevent future problems.

Horses, dogs, sheep, lambs, cattle, chickens, elephants, tapir are just some of the animals benefitting from McTimoney chiropractic. As a guide owners should consider seeking treatment if their animal displays any of the following signs:


  • Crying out when getting up
  • Difficulty climbing stairs or getting into cars
  • Signs of discomfort when being stroked on their backs
  • A reluctance to exercise
  • Stiffness or pain after exercise


  • Uneven strides or movement
  • Uneven wear of shoes
  • Sore or cold backs, uneven pressure from saddles or the saddle slipping to one side
  • Unexplained deterioration in usual performance
  • Asymmetry, such as stiffness on one rein, or a disunited canter
  • Unexplained resistances, such as napping, rearing, refusing, bucking, etc.
  • Uneven muscle development or atrophy

In general, other indications can include:

  • Lameness after a fall or accident where alternative diagnoses have been ruled out
  • Uncharacteristic changes in behaviour, performance or temperament
  • Limb-dragging or odd, irregular action
  • Recurrence of symptoms previously successfully treated by chiropractic treatment
  • Absence of any resolution of the problem using conventional methods
  • Rehabilitation after acute trauma

Read our CAM4animals blogs about Chiropractic Care

A sample of our blogs showing how chiropractic care has been used for animals is displayed below.

Dog running in winter
Supporters’ Tips for Winter

Supporters’ Tips for Winter

It’s nearly Christmas and winter has arrived with a vengeance after a very long, mild and pretty wet season. Many of us are experiencing minus temperatures, snow, ice and cold winds. So, we thought we’d pull together some information and share some of our Supporters Top Tips for winter!! 

Animal Pain

Animal Pain

Signs of an animal being in pain are varied and not always as obvious as a dog whining and holding a paw up or a hot sweaty horse kicking at their flanks. We asked Julie Anne Lee of Adored Beast Apothecary to explain what to be aware of in detecting pain and what to do about it. This blog first appeared on the Adored Beast Apothecary website and we reproduce it here with thanks.

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