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Results for "Galen Myotherapy"
Monty the magnificent

Monty the magnificent

When Sue Maclennan received the devastating news that her dog Monty had a form of bone cancer which had few conventional treatment options, it set her on a course to find an alternative. Two years on, she shares the story of his remarkable recovery and how homeopathy helped give Monty a new lease of life.

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National Dog Day – Celebrating a Love Affair

National Dog Day – Celebrating a Love Affair

To many people, dogs quite simply mean the world….. This blog was originally witten for National Dog Day, but it’s fair to say that every day is there to honour our enduring love of dogs. In celebration we look at the nature of the relationship we have with our canine friends, and meet some of the inspirational dogs and their owners that we’ve come across in CAM4animals.

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Daisy Part 2: We Begin our Holistic Journey

Daisy Part 2: We Begin our Holistic Journey

Following on from Part 1, things just plodded along with her still on steroids for the last year or so – but thankfully the vet visits were reduced. However, each time I tried to wean her off the steroids she seemed to have an issue with weakness in her joints so support and more steroids were needed. It was a vicious circle, but we were about to turn a corner with integrated veterinary care….

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Transformation was an understatement. To go from seriously thinking of having to make ‘that awful decision’ to getting my bouncy dog back in less than a week has no words for me.

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CAM4animals special offers

CAM4animals special offers

The current special offers our supporters have made available to you. There are books, courses, equipment, consultations – great for you and any animal lovers you know.

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Truly integrative veterinary care (Complementary and Alternative Medicine, or CAM, alongside conventional veterinary treatments) broadens the boundaries of what is possible for our animals. We value conventional medicine tremendously and see significant benefits in...

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