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Jack’s Tick Journey

Jack’s Tick Journey

With a background in river and wetland conservation, Isobel Hunt was aware of the threats that pollution poses to the biodiversity of these precious habitats. As a user of integrative veterinary care, she also knew the importance of minimising the chemical load affecting her Jack Russell. This is an example of how it is possible to approach tick management to optimise health and environmental benefits.

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It’s TICK Time of Year

It’s TICK Time of Year

None of us like the thought of creepy crawlies on our pets, but it is the warm part of the year where they are around in higher numbers. SO, STAY ALERT for ticks….. We asked vet Vicky Simon to give an integrated overview of how to approach the dreaded tick problem.

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Diesel the Basenji’s Skin Problem

Diesel the Basenji’s Skin Problem

When my Basenji, Diesel, first started itching terribly, like many, my first thought wasn’t to look for alternative treatment. I wanted to do the right thing, so I initially went to my vet for advice. Things worked up to a point, but the cause of and the solution to itchiness can be complex and the drugs used to combat it quite harsh, so we ended up exploring different options for Diesel as an individual dog with his own unique health requirements.

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Lizzie’s Story

Lizzie’s Story

Lizzie was found in an overcrowded pound in Cyprus. She was very thin weighing just 8.5kg, half her current body weight, and was dirty and terrified. She had a horrific infected leg injury – probably caused by being tied up too tightly by a rope. She was on strong...

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Don’t tell anyone but my dog has Scabies

Don’t tell anyone but my dog has Scabies

The shoulder dips, the legs go in the air, the body twists in delight, and before you have time to shout “STOP!!!!”, your dog is covered in fox poo and stinking. Usually, there are no consequences other than a ripe smell in the car on the way home and a cold (or warm...

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