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The healing power of flower essences

The healing power of flower essences

Julie’s own combination essences (Helping Hands, Five Flower and Animal Support) are all useful essences to hold in your emergency kit. These can be put into an animal’s food, stroked through their fur, put into their water or sprayed on bedding.

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Keeping Animals Safe in Hot Weather

Keeping Animals Safe in Hot Weather

With temperatures soaring once again across much of the UK, we thought it a good idea to pass on some of our supporters’ top tips for keeping your animals cool in hot weather. Animals may get uncomfortable and stressed and this might quickly lead to heatstroke. It’s important to avoid this at all costs. This blog looks at the signs to look for, what to do if it happens and how to avoid heatstroke.

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Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day gives us the chance to celebrate the love we have or the love we have known in our lives. For many of us that love comes in the shape of our dog, our cat, our horse or the many other animals we look after – the animals who look after us and give us their unconditional love.

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Relaxing your dog with Body Talk

Relaxing your dog with Body Talk

Body Talk is an Energy Therapy that helps to restore balance in areas of your body/mind complex where imbalance has arisen.  Every part of our body and mind is connected to, and in constant communication with, every other part of our body and mind.

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Stress & Urinary Issues In Cats

Stress & Urinary Issues In Cats

Restrictions during the last year may have caused stress for us all including our cats who can suffer with stress-induced conditions. Holistic Vet, Vicky Simon explains how to manage cystitis in cats suffering due to stress.

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The Science of Nature

The Science of Nature

Julie Anne Lee gathered together some of the world’s best holistic vets, practitioners and healers to discuss solutions to the stress experienced by our animals and ourselves during the 2020 lockdown – find out more, watch the videos and read The Science of Nature magazine here.

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