Galen Myotherapy

Galen Myotherapy


What is Galen Myotherapy?

Galen (Canine) Myotherapy is a branch of massage therapy which promotes health and treats chronic muscular pain in dogs through unique massage techniques and exercise management.

It’s concerned with the prevention, management and treatment of movement and allied disorders. It encompasses detailed assessments and effective treatment programs, including specialised massage techniques along with dynamic remedial and strengthening techniques, to manage the chronic muscular pain and inflammation that is caused by the many different conditions that are so common in a dog’s life.

Using Positive P.A.C.T.®, Galen’s unique ‘choice led treatment’ protocol, dogs always have a ‘choice’ when being treated. Restraints are never used and Galen Myotherapy practitioners always treat on the floor or on a low level, where a dog is most comfortable.

The natural movement patterns of a dog can change following an injury or due to environmental challenges, which over a period of time can cause postural adaptations that can lead to discomfort and pain.

Galen Myotherapy promotes health and treats chronic muscular pain in dogs through detailed assessments and effective treatment programs, including specialised massage techniques. We also use dynamic remedial and strengthening techniques, to manage the chronic muscular pain and inflammation that is caused by the many different conditions that are so common in a dog’s life.

Read our CAM4animals blogs about Galen Myotherapy

A sample of our blogs showing how Galen Myotherapy has been used for animals is displayed below.

War Dogs Remembered

War Dogs Remembered

"Of course, you do know why we run dog agility and working trials as we do.” Like a thunderbolt, these words ignited an emotion in Julia Robertson that would change her life forever and inspire her to found War Dogs Remembered....

What is Fascia and is ‘Myofascial Release’ the Secret to Better Canine Health?

What is Fascia and is ‘Myofascial Release’ the Secret to Better Canine Health?

The anatomy and function of fascia is a relatively new and evolving science. Due to studies that are being performed in the human and more recently, the animal world, the significance of fascia is growing exponentially. We are therefore pleased to reproduce this Galen Myotherapy blog first published on their website in January 2023.

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