Photizo red light therapy

Photizo red light therapy


Photizo Light Therapy is a non-invasive complementary or alternative therapy tool for wound healing, musculoskeletal conditions and pain relief.


A Photizo Light Therapy device is a modern photobiomodulation device. Photobiomodulation (PBM) harnesses the healing power of red and infrared light at specific wavelengths proven to be effective in accelerating natural healing of the body, reducing swelling and inflammation, stimulating the immune system and relieving pain. Cells that are damaged following trauma can be rejuvenated by red and near-infrared light. See here for more information.

Photizo is the result of years of research. It uniquely combines the latest advances in LED technology to offer a modern phototherapy device, which is safe and simple for anyone to use. Highly recommended by worldwide human and animal health professionals, Photizo Light Therapy brings an amazing, powerful and extremely safe therapy into the hands of home users and pet owners who do not need to undergo training in the science of photobiomodulation therapy.

Photizo Vetcare, from the Photizo Home Care range, offers a complementary, non-invasive and effective treatment for numerous conditions and is ideal for use on companion pets, competition and working animals including horses and livestock.

The device is rechargeable and provides a one-touch, pre-programmed 31 second dose so anyone can administer effective daily treatment sessions and continue with a course of light therapy to optimise cell functioning throughout rehabilitation. For treating long term chronic conditions, the number of treatment sessions is dependent on the severity of the condition.

Photizo Vetcare is a convenient, versatile pocket-sized treatment tool used and recommended by vets, vet nurses and other animal health practitioners including physiotherapists which will help with the following:

  • To maintain and speed up the healing process between professional treatment sessions throughout rehabilitation
  • To be used long term to provide natural pain relief for your animal if they are suffering with a long term degenerative chronic condition
  • For proactive use such as helping with muscle recovery on performance and active working animals. The effects can help to complement manual therapies like equine/canine massage

Photizo Vetcare has proven to be effective in the treatment of:

  • Skin conditions: wounds, lacerations, Hyalomma tick bite necrosis, hot-spots, abscesses, saddle sores, Habronema, proud flesh, acral lick granulomas, bruising, otitis externa, pyoderma, pododermatitis, skin allergies, eczema, etc.
  • Musculoskeletal problems: arthritis, tendonitis, myositis, ligament/tendon sprain/strains, bruising, fractures, neck and back pain, splints, overuse injuries, synovitis, oedema, hematomas, muscle injuries, muscle spasms, trigger points, seromas, mastitis, etc.
  • Post-op: any area treated surgically, including skin grafts
  • Other: corneal ulcers, viral/herpes-related conditions, sinusitis, retro-orbicular trauma

Danetre Health Products Case studies.

Photizo gun

If you choose to buy a machine for yourself:

You cannot “overdose” on light therapy; however, it is very important that you follow the manufacturer’s guidelines as to quantity / length of use to avoid any potential side effects and to ensure you reap the benefits.

It is also wise to talk to your vet or animal health practitioner with regard to how Photizo treatment would best be incorporated into your animal’s healthcare plan.

Photizo Vetcare comes with step by step instructions of how to use the device correctly for each type of condition and Tips & Tutorial on how to look after the device.

Danetree Health Products advise us that whilst the user guide is informative and is great to start with, the guidance does err on the side of caution on dose application. Some take the guidance very literally and can then under-use the device. To help with additional understanding for pet owners, and to get the most from your handset, they are in the process of putting together a little course which will be a low cost Owners Tutorial that people can book. You might consider registering your interest for more information by emailing Danetree Health Products and signing up for their newsletter. This will ensure you receive the latest tips and tutorials so that you can get the best results for your animal.

For treatment information and specific dose advice click here.

Read our CAM4animals blogs about Photizo red light therapy

A sample of our blogs showing how Photizo red light therapy has been used for animals is displayed below.

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