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The healing power of flower essences

The healing power of flower essences

Julie’s own combination essences (Helping Hands, Five Flower and Animal Support) are all useful essences to hold in your emergency kit. These can be put into an animal’s food, stroked through their fur, put into their water or sprayed on bedding.

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Rose Power

Rose Power

Roses can help heal in many ways. As well as culinary uses, there are numerous applications for medical, emotional and behavioural problems for you and your animals. Here we look at flower and other essences, herbal medicine, aromatherapy and homeopathy.

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The Role of Retired Ewes

The Role of Retired Ewes

Retired ewes are naturally full of experience. Along with expert access to treatments such as herbs and homeopathy, they are proving worth their weight in gold in promoting the well-being of the whole flock at Broadstone Rare Breeds Farm.

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