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Winter Care for your Horse ~ the Holistic Approach

Winter Care for your Horse ~ the Holistic Approach

Caring for horses over the winter months brings many challenges, not least copious amounts of mud, frozen taps and bored horses confined to their stables. We asked equine practitioner and owner of Hedgerow Horse, Caroline Hearn, what her advice is when it comes to looking after horses in cold weather……

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The Magic of Christmas

The Magic of Christmas

The Christmas story – in common with similar tales from around the world – is full of hope and healing, and the bond we have with animals shines though…..

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Remembering Animals in War

Remembering Animals in War

We’d like to mark the enormous sacrifice people and animals have given in times of war, sometimes without choice and often above and beyond the call of duty. This blog honours the many animals who have helped and continue to help safeguard our future.

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Healing Hawthorn

Healing Hawthorn

We are all familiar with Hawthorn, especially in our hedgerows. As well as being fantastic for wildlife, it has many healing properties. We asked Caroline Hearn of Hedgerow Hounds and Hedgerow Horse to tell us more.

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Photizo Red Light Therapy

Photizo Red Light Therapy

Photizo Light Therapy is a non-invasive complementary or alternative therapy tool for wound healing, musculoskeletal conditions and pain relief. It is ideal for use on companion pets, competition and working animals including horses and livestock.

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It’s TICK Time of Year

It’s TICK Time of Year

None of us like the thought of creepy crawlies on our pets, but it is the warm part of the year where they are around in higher numbers. SO, STAY ALERT for ticks….. We asked vet Vicky Simon to give an integrated overview of how to approach the dreaded tick problem.

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Animal Pain

Animal Pain

Signs of an animal being in pain are varied and not always as obvious as a dog whining and holding a paw up or a hot sweaty horse kicking at their flanks. We asked Julie Anne Lee of Adored Beast Apothecary to explain what to be aware of in detecting pain and what to do about it. This blog first appeared on the Adored Beast Apothecary website and we reproduce it here with thanks.

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