Kratu was born in December. Minus temperatures and a bleak future. Would he even survive? Something happened to change his life. He was rescued and he changed his adopter’s life for ever too……..
Search Results
The Magic of Christmas
The Christmas story – in common with similar tales from around the world – is full of hope and healing, and the bond we have with animals shines though…..
The Christmas Mouse
The mouse had heard a few beasts flump down on the straw in his time, but this was the quietest, the weariest. The donkey’s long ears flopped either side of his face as he landed, framing enormous brown eyes that drooped with tiredness. He peered at the mouse. “Is...
War Dogs Remembered
“Of course, you do know why we run dog agility and working trials as we do.” Like a thunderbolt, these words ignited an emotion in Julia Robertson that would change her life forever and inspire her to found War Dogs Remembered….
Remembering Animals in War
We’d like to mark the enormous sacrifice people and animals have given in times of war, sometimes without choice and often above and beyond the call of duty. This blog honours the many animals who have helped and continue to help safeguard our future.
Healing Hawthorn
We are all familiar with Hawthorn, especially in our hedgerows. As well as being fantastic for wildlife, it has many healing properties. We asked Caroline Hearn of Hedgerow Hounds and Hedgerow Horse to tell us more.
Rose Power
Roses can help heal in many ways. As well as culinary uses, there are numerous applications for medical, emotional and behavioural problems for you and your animals. Here we look at flower and other essences, herbal medicine, aromatherapy and homeopathy.
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day gives us the chance to celebrate the love we have or the love we have known in our lives. For many of us that love comes in the shape of our dog, our cat, our horse or the many other animals we look after – the animals who look after us and give us their unconditional love.
Spotty Finds a Home in his Twilight Years
Adopting a dog is a lovely thing to do – adopting an elderly dog can bring particular joy. Meet Spotty who was adopted by one of our supporters…