Kratu was born in December. Minus temperatures and a bleak future. Would he even survive? Something happened to change his life. He was rescued and he changed his adopter’s life for ever too……..
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The Benefits of Chaga Mushrooms for Dogs and Cats
Medicinal mushrooms are becoming increasingly popular in human and veterinary medicine. As with any treatment, their use should be approached with care. We are therefore pleased to reproduce this insight into Chaga mushrooms by leading expert in myco (mushroom) medicine, Julie Anne Lee, founder of Adored Beast Apothecary.
Hamish the Lurcher
Vet Vicky Simon has written about her treatment of Hamish the lurcher when his owner Rebecka Blenntoft came to her with a very lame dog. We asked Rebecka to tell us more about him and why she made the decisions she did for Hamish’s future …
Hamish and his Spinal Tumour
We asked vet Vicky Simon to tell us about Hamish the rescue lurcher who came to her with a spinal tumour and not a great prognosis.
Walking Your Dog Safely Throughout the Winter Months
Exercising our dogs in the Winter can sometimes be a challenge. Caroline Hearn from Hedgerow Hounds gives a few top tips to make life easier and safer for your dog.
An Introduction to Pet Bereavement Counselling
Who better to write the definitive guide to Pet Bereavement Counselling than Dawn Murray? I discovered Dawn through my work at CAM4animals when she wrote us a wonderful blog about living with pet bereavement for our website which people have found very comforting.
Supporting a Dog with Kidney Disease
Jack is my 15-year-old Jack Russell. He is incontinent and has kidney disease, but it’s not the end of the world. Supporting Jack has been significantly helped by integrated vet care which treats him as an individual with his own specific needs. As well as a mix of conventional and complementary treatments such as herbs, homeopathy and nutraceuticals, this individualised medicine approach has included tailoring his diet. Jack’s excessive drinking and incontinence have become much reduced. We have also incorporated several tricks into making life as easy as possible for him and for us.
Peaks for Paws: Helping Ex Service Dogs
How did the arrival of a boisterous German Shepherd Dog with hip dysplasia end up in a 200km Ultra Welsh 3 Peaks Challenge to raise money for Hero Paws and help the ex service dogs they look after? This blog looks at the immense problems ex service dogs can face when they get to the end of their working life through the experienced eyes of the charity Hero Paws. These dogs are heroes. Many have saved lives or kept us safe. They need a secure and safe life on civvy street.
It also highlights how German Shepherd Kane, who arrived in his new home in pain and a bit bewildered, was transformed by integrative vet care and able to step up to a huge walking challenge.
Fireworks: Tips for Terrified Dogs
Many animal owners and guardians dread the onset of firework season whether it’s Bonfire Night, New Year’s Eve or random celebrations. There are many things you can do to help prepare your dog – or any other animal – and enable them to cope with these potentially traumatic situations. We asked canine behaviourist Julie Moss to tell us more. This article largely relates to dogs, but a lot of information is applicable to any animal that is distressed by fireworks.