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10 Things To Consider Before Getting a Bunny

10 Things To Consider Before Getting a Bunny

We have all heard the phrase ‘A dog is for life, not just for Christmas’. Have you ever heard
this one, though:
‘A bunny is for life, not just for Easter’?
We asked rabbit expert and Bunny Bonding Coach Fiona Murphy to outline the key considerations if you are thinking of getting a rabbit.

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Time to Ditch the Ball Flinger

Time to Ditch the Ball Flinger

We may need to rethink the way in which we exercise our dogs. It might be tempting to throw a ball as far as possible for your dog using a ball flinger but there are potential dangers!  Being full of the joys of spring can turn into a sudden disaster for the dog chasing the ball, or an insidious build-up of stresses and strains over time. Yasmin Porritt of Yorkshire Pooches Therapies explains more and suggests alternative exercises and enrichment you can do with your dog to keep them fit and healthy.

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Your Anxious Dog

Your Anxious Dog

If you share your life with an anxious dog, you will know that there are many challenges to overcome and situations in everyday life that can act as a trigger resulting in fearful, frantic behaviour, reactivity towards dogs and people, excessive barking and gut issues to name a few. It can seem like a lonely road to travel and that you take two steps forward one day followed by three steps back the next.

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Enrichment Gardens for Dogs

Enrichment Gardens for Dogs

Let’s face it – we can all get stressed at times! This may well rub off on our dogs who may already be stressed themselves. We asked Caroline Hearn of Hedgerow Hounds to give us some ideas for helping our dogs – and us – relax in the garden. Not to mention helping wildlife!

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