When Sue Maclennan received the devastating news that her dog Monty had a form of bone cancer which had few conventional treatment options, it set her on a course to find an alternative. Two years on, she shares the story of his remarkable recovery and how homeopathy helped give Monty a new lease of life.
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Fireworks: Tips for Terrified Dogs
Many animal owners and guardians dread the onset of firework season whether it’s Bonfire Night, New Year’s Eve or random celebrations. There are many things you can do to help prepare your dog – or any other animal – and enable them to cope with these potentially traumatic situations. We asked canine behaviourist Julie Moss to tell us more. This article largely relates to dogs, but a lot of information is applicable to any animal that is distressed by fireworks.
Pickle – the Cat Who Led Me to Complementary Treatments
Elderly cat Pickle led her owner to discover more options within truly integrated veterinary care and embark on a career in holistic treatments for cats.
The Aromatic Cat – book review
Book review for The Aromatic Cat by Julie-Anne Thorne and Nayana Morag.
Applied Zoopharmacognosy for Animals
Animals (and we can) self-select remedies that are needed from the wild. It is an innate ability we all developed over thousands of years in order to survive, and it is an ability we still have.
Daisy Part 2: We Begin our Holistic Journey
Following on from Part 1, things just plodded along with her still on steroids for the last year or so – but thankfully the vet visits were reduced. However, each time I tried to wean her off the steroids she seemed to have an issue with weakness in her joints so support and more steroids were needed. It was a vicious circle, but we were about to turn a corner with integrated veterinary care….
How Dried Herbs and Flowers Can Enrich Your Cat’s Life
In this article we cover why providing a herb garden (dried herbs on a blanket or towel, a form of enrichment) for your cat is a crucial piece of enrichment. You’ll learn how it can support their emotional needs and tap into their natural drive to self-medicate.
Supporters’ Golden Oldies
Celebrating our Golden Oldies couldn’t be without some insight from CAM4animals supporters. So, here are some tips and fond memories of their old animals from dog, cat and horse owners along with members of the farming community.
Manor Farm Charitable Trust
Di Slaney went from having four hens in the garden to setting up a Charitable Trust providing a sanctuary for 170 farm animals with disabilities and special needs! We spoke to her about her work, especially with the elderly animals on the farm, and about her relationship with her vets and CAM practitioners.