Harsh winter conditions can cause problems for our animals.
To help keep them safe and healthy when the temperature drops and the snow arrives, we asked our supporters to give us tips for looking after your animals in winter.
Search Results
Fireworks: Tips for Terrified Dogs
Many animal owners and guardians dread the onset of firework season whether it’s Bonfire Night, New Year’s Eve or random celebrations. There are many things you can do to help prepare your dog – or any other animal – and enable them to cope with these potentially traumatic situations. We asked canine behaviourist Julie Moss to tell us more. This article largely relates to dogs, but a lot of information is applicable to any animal that is distressed by fireworks.
The Canine Nervous System and its Role in Rehabilitation
We asked canine behaviourist, veterinary physiotherapist and TTouch Practitioner Julie Moss to outline the key role the canine nervous system plays in how dogs behave and how important its role is in rehabilitation.
Holistic Healthcare for the Senior Horse & Pony
As our horses and ponies reach their senior years their lifestyle requirements will start to change. This will include adjusting their feed, adapting exercise routines and, should they have health issues, making major changes to maintain their health.
The Role of Hydrotherapy in Relation to Pain Management
Whilst the first choice for pain management is often medication, there are many non-pharmaceutical ways to manage pain. It is important to use a multimodal approach to get the best overall pain management for each individual animal patient, with the least amount of drug induced side effects. One of the most versatile, effective and all-encompassing non-pharmaceutical methods of managing pain is the use of hydrotherapy.