Animal Therapy Magazine was created by two animal physiotherapists back in 2015. Prior to this there was a real lack of public information accessible to fellow therapists, pet owners and other professionals within the animal therapy industry – we at CAM4animals can certainly vouch for that.
Their focus and content very much revolves around therapeutic treatment for animals as well as educating owners and fellow professionals on behaviour, biomechanics and many more topics all leading to health and welfare of animals. They say they are so fortunate to have fantastic writers and researchers who are keen to share their work. We at CAM4animals know many of them as they have also been supporting and writing for us. Animal Therapy Magazine was frequently told by companies that a platform relevant to them and their products was lacking. Another reason to create a dedicated publication. We say Hurrah for that too!
Like us, Animal Therapy Magazine does not promote everything and anything! They appreciate It can be very confusing for owners to know what is really going to help their pets and what is just going to help the seller’s bank balance, so, they are strict on who and what they will work with.
Online issues are released in March, June, September and December. Should you want more, they have a huge database of articles on the site spanning back to their very first issue released in July 2015, 21 issues so far! All of these plus their new releases can be accessed by subscribing through their website for just £10 per year – an absolute bargain!
Please visit Animal Therapy magazine website for more information.