Lydia was due to deliver her calf in January but a chronic case of mastitis was proving incurable with antibiotics.  Her conventional vet had treated her quickly and the organic farm followed their usual strict protocols in order to get the swiftest response from Lydia, but repeated doses of antibiotics and good animal husbandry made no difference.

Fortunately, a farm homeopathy course was running at the farm and so the Farm Manager asked the course tutor/vet to take a look and use Lydia as a teaching example.  The homeopath vet took a look on 9th November and warned the Farm Manager

Lydia 1
9th November 2017

“The case is very chronic and the udder badly damaged.  I fear she will not come into milk at all in any quarters.  However, with the wonders of homeopathy….!!  She is not in pain and is in good condition so she’s not suffering.  She will need prolonged treatment for any chance of recovery.”

The homeopath vet prescribed a single remedy to be given in water and splashed daily over her feed. The Farm Manager left the herdsman in charge who kept the vet informed of progress.

13th November 2017

By the 13th November (above), you can see that the wound had opened right up so the herdsman continued to keep it clean and persisted with the remedy.

By the 16th November, five days after treatment started the herdsman reported noticeable changes and that the abscesses had started to heal.

Lydia 27 nov
27th November 2017
21st December 2017

By December 21st just 11 days after treatment commenced, the herdsman sent the homeopathic vet photographs and said,

“The hardness in the affected quarter seemed a little less pronounced and I think she seems better/more confident in herself.”

On New Years Eve, 20 days after treatment started, the herdsman sent another photograph to the homeopath vet showing considerable improvement despite not cleaning the teat before taking the picture.

31st December 2017

Her email said

“Lydia has been back with the herd for the last three weeks and actually just calved within the last hour!!”  The herdsman went on

Although I haven’t tested her udder for milk yet, she has bagged up really well. On examination yesterday, her hard quarter did seem larger (but presumably this is because she’s coming into milk). There was also a pea-sized hole where pus had been/is coming out from, on the underside of the hard quarter. This doesn’t seem painful to her.”

This indicated a change of remedy which was prescribed by the homeopathic vet and close veterinary supervision towards recovery was advised.

Surprisingly, not only did Lydia calve but she returned to the milkers full time.  The affected teat never gave milk but it was possible to milk her from the other three.  An unexpected outcome and the bonus was that they did not lose the calf.

To learn more about Farm Homeopathy:

Whole Health Agriculture (WHAg)

The Learning Centre at Whole Health Agriculture

Disclaimer – Where blogs have been created by a guest author, CAM4Animals has reproduced this in good faith but cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies of information in it or any use you make of this information

The veterinary Surgeon’s Act 1966 restricts the treatment of animals (usually other than your own*) by anyone other than a qualified vet. Always consult a veterinary surgeon if you are concerned about your animal’s health. *For full details visit the RCVS website