
SCENAR provides pain relief. It is a bio-electrical medical device used by healthcare professionals to treat acute and chronic pain, sports injuries, arthritis, back pains, inflammations and a growing list of other conditions.

Roger Meacock has kindly provided this more detailed account of SCENAR to CAM4Animals:

Scenar and Cosmodic Therapy

By Roger S. Meacock BVSc MRCVS

SCENAR is an acronym for Self-Controlled Energy-Neuro-Adaptive Regulation. Scenar is universally recognized as an ideal electrotherapy and one of the best examples of reflexotherapy.

If I had to describe Scenar in simple terms I’d say it’s like a TENS machine* with a very sophisticated brain and an IQ of 5000! In evolutionary terms, if TENS is Neanderthal then Scenar is cleverer than Einstein! The Scenar signal effectively amplifies the pathological signal to the brain to trigger a bigger response. The Cosmodic signal amplifies the brain’s response to a pathology. In the “Slider” model that I use to treat animals, it integrates both modes in parallel so that they work together, proportionally according to the feedback.

Scenar therapy was developed in Russia by a highly qualified Scientific team led by Alexander Karasev who has a joint degree in Medicine and electronics. The economic situation in the former USSR forced Doctors to look to non-pharmaceutical ways of treating. Karasev later formed his own company and developed Cosmodic Therapy The Scenar/Cosmodic devices are used in hospitals and paramedic ambulances to great effect, often significantly reducing or even removing the requirement for surgery and/or drugs.

I was the only vet in attendance at the very first Scenar training course given in the UK by some of the top Russian scientists involved in developing both the device and the treatment protocols. I was the first vet in the world to adapt the treatment for animals and to use it as my first line healing option. Although I now mostly treats horses and dogs, usually for musculo-skeletal problems I have also treated cows, pigs, rabbits and cats in the past. There is no reason why other species cannot be treated too.

Reflex areas of the skin, through their electrical properties and tissue resonant frequencies, provide up-to-date information about the internal structures and organs within the body. This relates to both structural integrity and functional capacity. Using skin electro-stimulation and a very sophisticated electronic feedback, the device continually monitors the parameters and adjusts the next treatment signal accordingly. The Scenar microcurrent signal is very close in shape to a natural nerve impulse so that the body can recognise and respond to it. It helps the brain to recognise where there is a problem and by stimulating the release of natural body chemicals it enables the body to heal itself more efficiently. Scenar results are fast, intense and long-lasting. The latest device that Roger uses starts to predict how the body will react and anticipate any problems in order to lead the healing around these stumbling blocks in advance. Treatments speeds are very much faster as a result.

Each placement of the device is treated as a novel situation and is treated individually in real time, taking into consideration all parameters that can determine how the body can respond and heal. The only delay in treatment is the processing capacity of the custom microprocessors.  Over time, processors have got faster and faster and treatment time has reduced. Every time I think Scenar cannot be improved upon and every time I have upgraded, I am amazed at how much better my new device is. This is why I always get the newest models in order to provide the best treatment possible.

Healing success figures for have been quoted in Russia at 80-90% across all conditions which corresponds with my experience. Scenar therapy is extremely safe. There are no adverse side-effects and very few contra-indications. The animals usually enjoy having treatment due to the endorphin release experienced when the neuropeptide healing chemicals are released in response to the treatment signal. Horses will droop their lower lip and appear sedated, whilst dogs frequently become quiet and often go to sleep!!

Pain relief is extremely effective with Scenar. By triggering the body to heal itself at the DNA level, Scenar treatment will not mask an underlying problem but forces the body to address it, reversing the pathology. It is common to find that seemingly unrelated problems (even stable vices) and sub-clinical conditions can also improve.

* A TENS Machine stands for Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation machine. A tens machine is a small battery-operated device that is a method of pain relief involving the use of a mild electric current.

Roger’s Testimonials

Chronic lameness or poor performance is often a local symptom of an issue that has been referred from another area as a result of compensation. When the body is no longer able to compensate then we see lameness or some other behavioural issue that is telling us something isn’t right.

Treating the site of the lameness that then occurs is important but it is equally important to work out why it occurred and correct that too, otherwise treatment will only ever be transient and lameness will recur, maybe at the same point or maybe elsewhere if another area has now become the weakest link in the chain.

Roger treats all lameness from the same perspective – treat the obvious, but look for the cause and address that too. Using this approach and advanced treatment techniques, such as Scenar, Roger can often get a much quicker result that lasts.

Proximal Suspendory Desmitis (PSD)

The following are just a selection of testimonials from some of the many happy clients who opted for a more holistic approach to PSD.  PSD is always secondary to another problem elsewhere which is why treatment aimed at this alone is rarely successful which has, unfortunately, lead to the favoured surgical technique of neurectomy of the plantar nerve and fasciotomy around the ligament.  The latest quoted figure used to justify how “successful” surgery is, is that 78% are sound a year after surgery.  Clearly the number of horses which then become lame again increases beyond this point as previously the cut-off period for denoting “success” was 2 years.  When both the PSD and the root cause are addressed simultaneously the lameness is resolvable without surgery and lasts many years with proper care and maintenance.

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  1. “I owe it to treating PSD holistically” said Karen Simpson as reported in Horse & Hound in 2011.
  2. “Thank you for sorting Whoop! He did his first competition since his PSD problems. 2nd, 1st, 2nd against the para team horses. He was fabulous! Thanks so much!” Bert Sheffield, International Para-Dressage Rider for Canada
  3. “I simply cannot recommend Roger and his team highly enough.  My horse had become spooky, shooting forward and sideways to the point of being dangerous to ride.  He couldn’t canter united, did not want to go forward into a contact and was generally very unhappy.  Vets diagnosed SI and Suspensory ligament damage which after several thousand pounds worth of treatment was only likely to improve his performance (and comfort) by 75%.
    After two weeks treatment with Roger, I not only have my old horse back but the new improved version!  Not only did he stop spooking and rushing off immediately after his treatment, he is working better than ever.  We are now nearly three months post treatment and Charlie continues to go from strength to strength. I couldn’t be happier, thank you guys!” Jane Laid 2014
  4. “A massive thank you to Roger for all the work with my horse Jeeves a few years ago now, this weekend he qualified for the Supreme Championship at the Veteran Horse Society Championship show in a couple of weeks, something we never thought he would do when he first injured his suspensories.” Madeline Heath in 2015
  5. “When we bought him we were told he cannot show jump. Since you treated him for PSD he has been successfully jumping!!”

Tendon Injuries in horses

Roger has been successfully treating tendon injuries in horses for over 20 years using Scenar. The sooner and more intensively the treatment starts the quicker  will be the result with the least amount of scarring, if any.  Scenar typically speeds healing speeds by 3-4 times the normal rate. 

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Scenar can treat old and chronic tendon injuries too, often reducing the residual scarring from the original injury and helping to regain functionality. Chronic and older injuries typically do not require such an intensive treatment regime as for acute injuries.

Roger has received the following testimonials in regard to treating tendon injuries.

  1. “I wanted a long-term solution, not something that looked okay on the scan for five minutes.” Kate Tarrant, Professional Event Rider as reported in the Horse & Hound in 2010.
  2. “Thanks to your help, my horse that my usual vet told me to shoot 18 months ago has just successfully completed a 50 mile endurance race and now looking to go even further!” International Endurance Rider, 2006
  3. “His tendon is healing with no scarring or adhesions. My Vet now thinks he will be able to do dressage again, which was thought unlikely when he first did the injury.” Dressage Rider 2001
  4. “The old mare you treated for old tendon injuries in both front legs who we had retired to the field is now back in work in the Riding School and has also re-established herself as the top mare in her field group” Will Hay, 1998. This mare continued in work until she was PTS as the result of colic a few years later.

Lameness in Dogs  

Scenar works equally well for treating dogs – usually for back issues, partial cruciate ligament tears and strains, other joint problems and muscular injuries.

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Roger has received the following testimonials following treatment.

  1. “This is just a quick note to say the biggest thank you for so kindly driving all that way to see my Aunt’s dog in Newark, Lincs the other day, especially at such short notice. My Aunt has reported that Cherry had been very miserable, but the morning after you treated her, Cherry was like a different dog.  She has a new lease of life and has been so happy and is bouncing around everywhere! The wounds on the leg are now healing really well too.” IL, 2015
  2. “My Great Dane puppy had a ligament injury at a very early age.  My Vet wanted expensive and very intrusive surgery, that had all sorts of risks of it going wrong and was very severe.  Roger gave two sessions of SCENAR, and Teifi’s injury was as good as new – he has had Best Puppy In Breeds at championship shows since.” Kris Kingsley, 2015
  3. “I was at first a bit sceptical but once I put her on the tablets she is back to being a happier dog. Thanks again. I will be ordering regularly.” This was with regard to a bioresonance formula for Osteoarthritis
  4. “We are delighted with the results since a month ago our own Vet was telling us our dog Ruby may have to have her toe amputated.” IG, Hants, 1999

Roger S. Meacock BVSc MRCVS

Roger says “I qualified from Bristol University “Vet School” as a very conventional vet in Farm practice initially. I was very sceptical about alternative treatments but through using magnets to improve fuel efficiency and to stop hard water creating limescale I decided to give magnotherapy a try with some of my patients. To my amazement, they improved and this was the start of my journey into understanding the physics of energy medicine and various different modalities. I have used Scenar for over 20 years and Bioresonance for nearly as long. I am always on the lookout for new products and supplements that can improve on what I offer. Most of my work is treating “no hope” cases or where conventional options aren’t desired or considered viable for whatever reason. When successful, these cases are the most satisfying to get right.”

Visit Roger’s Natural Healing Solutions website

Visit Roger’s Last Hope Vet website

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The veterinary Surgeon’s Act 1966 restricts the treatment of animals (usually other than your own*) by anyone other than a qualified vet. Always consult a veterinary surgeon if you are concerned about your animal’s health. *For full details visit the RCVS website