Tessie was diagnosed with an aggressive soft tissue sarcoma (tumour) 7 weeks ago, manifesting as a large swelling on her hind leg. The prognosis was not good and we were offered chemotherapy or a leg amputation. However I wanted to try a holistic approach to help with pain management and make Tessie as comfortable as possible.
Birgit gave her a treatment plan which included acupuncture, Iscador, chinese herbs and homeopathy. As Tessie had lost a lot of weight because of the tumour, Birgit recommended increasing her meals to three a day using a raw food diet.
The improvement in Tessie has been astounding. When the sarcoma was diagnosed, Tessie was very subdued and in a lot of pain, limping badly on her hind leg. What a contrast to now, the tumour has reduced so much in size, it is barely visible. Tessie is much happier in herself and playful again, reminding me of how she was as a puppy (she is 10 years old). She has put on a lot of weight, is physically much stronger than she has been for a long time, and is scarcely limping at all.
I can’t quite believe how quickly she has improved. This has given us so much hope that Tessie will be with us for a while longer yet. Thank you so much Birgit.
Dr Birgit Ahlemeyer – Holistic Referral Vet MRCVS
Birgit qualified as a veterinary surgeon in Germany in 1988 and after working for a year as a conventional vet she worked with Peter Andresen who was the President of the International Association of Veterinary Homeopathy. She learned to treat dogs, cats, horses and small animals homoeopathically and her PhD looked at fertility problems in horses.
Birgit moved to England in 1994 and continued to use homeopathy in small animal practices where she was working. After moving to Sussex, she became a referral vet, working with many local veterinary surgeries.
She is passionate about treating animals with the most appropriate therapy or combination of therapies in order to improve their health and quality of life. Birgit’s website
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The veterinary Surgeon’s Act 1966 restricts the treatment of animals (usually other than your own*) by anyone other than a qualified vet. Always consult a veterinary surgeon if you are concerned about your animal’s health. *For full details visit the RCVS website